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Rev. Frances Deverell

Why I'm Voting For PRO-REP

Countries with PRO REP are better in all these areas

As a Unitarian Universalist I am called work toward religious principles that affirm and promote the worth and dignity of every person; make the world more just, equitable, democratic and peaceful. To do this I have personally attended, or organized many educational events to learn about different voting systems, their benefits and disadvantages.

Today while I was out knocking on doors I met a man who had given up on our system. He refuses to vote because it makes no difference. I am concerned about the voter apathy which I believe is encouraged by our First-Past-the-Post, Winner-take-all voting system. I am concerned about the centralization of power in the hands of unaccountable leaders who do not have to answer to as high as 60% of the electorate.

I am concerned about the growing inequality and the growing poverty in my country. I am shocked at the lack of action on reconciliation with our First Peoples and on the lack of action on climate change. Everything is at stake for our children and grandchildren because of our failure to act.

I want a voting system that will give me a real voice. I have worked hard on these issues but our leaders are not listening. Instead of reducing greenhouse gases they are buying pipelines to support an increase in production of oil and gas. And they do this even though the local First Nations have rejected the pipeline.

I believe every vote cast should help to elect someone who represents the voter’s values. Political Science research shows that a change to a system of Proportional Representation is likely to improve our governance in a wide range of ways:

  • Democracy: voter turnout; participation of youth, women, and Indigenous people; more consensual decision-making.

  • Quality of Life: More equality, better health care, affordable housing, and general satisfaction.

  • Environmental Performance: Faster climate action, more renewable energy, better CO2 reductions

  • Fiscal policy: lower debt, lower tariffs.

The type of voting system we use has a real impact on the way citizens relate to their governments and how government makes policy. PR governments have to consult more and listen to the opposition. If we are going to hold our governments to their election promises, we have to take back our power. Vote for proportional representation and do just that.

I am voting PRO REP in BC in November. 2018.

Will you join me in working for this important democratic reform?

I'd be happy to talk to any friends who would like to know more about why I feel so strongly about this opportunity to create a more democratic society.

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